Cobalt Nanoclusters As Carbonylation Catalysts


Richard Dodge – Oceanographic Center

Award Date



The broad, long-term objectives of this project are to develop a nanocatalyst for metal-catalyzed carbonylation of alkenes. Each year, in the US over 4 mission tons of chemicals are made using metal-catalyzed carbonylation process. Specific goals of this proposal are to prepare cobalt nanoclusters as carbonylation catalysts, investigate their properties, and apply them on a simple system. Publications by other research groups and my preliminary research indicate that the likelihood of success is high. The results will be submitted for publication in peer reviewed journals and possibly presented at a conference. Acceptance of a presentation is also subject to a peer review. The proposed project calls for the involvement of two centers: Oceanographic Center and Farquhar Center. While most of the work will be done at the Oceanographic Center, students at Farquhar Center will also participate in the proposed project by performing instrumental analysis and doing simple reactions.

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