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James Doan Image Gallery
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Buckingham Palace with Statue of Queen Victoria
Budhisatlva, MFA
Building on Hamptplatg, Gray 7/8
Building opp. St. Shepard's Green
Bull. Archaeological Museum, Athens
Bull--Hallstatt, Austria, 6th c. bronze
Bull-headed fire dog & home (?), from Welwyn, Hertforshire
Bull's Head. Archaeological Museum, Candia
Burrishoole Abbey
Bus Avus, Dublin
Bus Avus, Dublin
Bust of Constentine (bronze)
Bust of Tuya, mother of Ramses II
Busts of Hadrian and Antinous (from Mausoleum, Villa Adrian)
Byzantine silver bowls
Byz. Sculpture--part of alter, St. Apollinare in Classe
Caaprende Della Seala (b. 1291, n. 1311-29)- [Bartrimeo, d. 1304- 1st grave, (?)), Con Grande Della Seda. Verona
(?) Cach (?)
Cadmus + Agave
Cadmus + Agave
Cadmus + Agave
Caísleán Uí Bluiein
Calvary, Lacmuinque
Calvery at Plaugastel-Daoules, showing Katell Gollet
Calvery at St. Tremeur, St. Tremeur holding head beneath cross
Calvery + church of St. Tremeaur
Calvery showing Christ
Calvery showing entombment of Christ
Calvery showing St. Gwen w St. Gwenole or Virgin + child before cross
Calvery, St. Jean
Calvery, St. Jean
Calvery, St. Jean
Calvery tumulus of St. Michael, Carnac
Camera stall in park
Canal on Maida Ave., London
Canal on Maida Ave., London
Canal on Maida Ave., London
Cape Sunium. Temple of Poseidon
Cara das Rosas + (?) garden, Ar. Pautista, 3/5/97
Caraepaouile- Giotto designed + began in 1334 (d. 1336)--compl. at the end of 14th c.--period Gothic, first Clement in spirit
Caravaggio (1570c-1610), David con la testa di Golia
Caravaggio (1570c-1610), Giovane con canestro di frutta
Caravaggio, Amor Vincit Omnia, Gemaldegalerie, Berlin
Caravaggio, "Boy bitten by a lizard", late 1590s
Caravaggio, Judith + Holofernes, Barberini Pal, Rome, ca. 1599
Caravaggio, St. Catherine of Alexandra, Thyssen-Bornemisza, ca. 1599-1600
Caravaggio, "Supper at Emmaus", before 1600
Caravaggio, the Flagllation, mus. Noz-di Capodimonte, Naples
Caravaggio, The Sacrifice of Issac, Uffizi, ca. 1603-1604
Carbigian ivory plaque, ca. 800- St. John with his symbol, the eagle
Card, detail -- copper from Akhmim, Eygpt
Cardinal renewal of Lyons-Beg. of Manz
Cardinal renewal of Lyons-Beg. of Manz, sermon
Card room, Vaux-le-Vicomte
Carhaix-- statue of St. Tremeur
Carmac's chapel, interior
Cartoon (sinrpie) of Christ, formerly on tympanum of Cathedral of Arignon
Carved figures on a tower gate of the Meenakshi Temple in Madurai City, Tamil Nadu
Carved horn fig. of elk, carved horn fig. of wolf, silver fig. of bull (late 3rd mil. BCE)
Carved relief Mastiff carrying Roe Deer. Hound chasing hare
Casimir Dunin, Count de Markievicz, "Countess Constaenc de Markievicz" (printed in Polish)
Casket painting. Lower epoch. The Louvre, Paris
Castelvecchio Verona, built by Carngrande II Scaliper in 1354
Castelvecchio with Ponte Scaligero from above- on River Adige, Verona
Castle Dermot, N. High Cross, 10th - 11th Cent., Temptation of St. Anthony, Daniel in the lions' den, Adam & Eve, ? With harp, sack of Isaac
Castle Dermot, South High cross, 10th Cent. Arrest of Christ, crucifixion, Sacrifice of Isaac, Adam & Eve, Daniel in lions' den
Castle Dinas Bran
Castle in La Villa (In Sla), Sud Tirol 7/9
Casyatid, SW corner of Ossuary, La Martyre
Cath. Augsburg (rebuilt after WWII) 7/16
Cath. + courtyard, St. Gallen, Switz. 7/14
Cathedral of Amceis-- (?) behind alter
Cathedral of Amceis-- W. façade
Cathedral of Angers from Tour de Moulin
Cathedral of Autun (1130-40)- stepple near crossing
Cathedral of Boyeux-- int. (Rom. arches, 12th cent.) Gothic windows & roof (mid- 13th cent.)
Cathedral of Remis, façade
Cathedral of Remis, nose windows
Cathedral of Remis, portal showing (?) of virgin
Cathedral of Remis, side aisle
Cathedral of Sens, south tower
Cathedral of Sens, west façade
Cathedral of St. Pierre, Angolumême, west façade
Cathedral Of St. Pierre-- int. late 12th cent, ex. Of Argeuen (plantagenet) Gothic, char. By very rounded vaults (of copulas at Rontervarrd) & blend arcade in lower part of church
Cathedral of St. Samson, Dol
Cathedral Remis, elevation of nave
Cathedral, Trent
Cath. + library of St. Gallen, Switzerland 7/14
Cath. Of Ameris -- apse and spire
Cath. of Angers
Cath. of Angers
Cath. of Angers
Cath. of Angers, west façade
Cath. Of Autun- custeen towers
Cath. Of Autun, det. of weighing of souls and hell
Cath. of Quimper from Place Corenten (?)
Cath. of Quimper from Place Corenten (?)
Cath. Of St. Pierre, Poritiess- late 12th cent. Norte carving on vaults of portal, 2 short black lake towers & blend arcade (?) heavy butressing reside
Cath. Utrecht from Oudgracht
Ceiling of golden hall, Augsburg (Renaissance) 7/16
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