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Isha Patel is a freshmen studying neuroscience with minors in finance, accounting, pre-health, and honors transdisciplinary studies. Patel fell in love with art back in 8th grade when she stopped being a band kid, and her elective options were art class or a computer class. Patel took both courses but art gave her a creative outlet that let her feel a sense of freedom. It also gave her a way of communicating since she is not the best with words, so she appreciates that quality more than ever. Her first piece was a graffiti piece that she loved, but something that her teacher and the other faculty also loved and that showed them a new perspective. From then on, she knew that art was one of the many things that made her who she is.

First Page



"I drew this piece during a time when I was suffering depression, when all I wanted for was the pain and sadness to end. I painted this subconsciously not realizing at the time what it meant, I simply just did it. Later I realized that having gotten through my senior year, getting to participate in a medical assistant course, to do something that I want to do, something I love, I found light to keep going. That was my light in the darkness."



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