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Author Studying

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Author Bio

Bhavya Soni is an undergraduate student in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences majoring in biology and minoring in data analytics. After attaining her bachelor’s degree in biology, Soni hopes to attend an M.D./PhD. dual degree program. Academics aside, Soni harbors a love for the arts, specifically in reading and creating poetry. Her favorite poem is "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost which initially sparked her interest in the written word. She finds inspiration in the sublime nature of the world.

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"In the past, inspiration for me usually struck after the occurrence of an obstacle or tragedy. I used my poetry to vent and organize my chaotic emotions into words on paper. But along with the lessons I gained from the adverse events, the negativity from the experience was also memorialized in the poems I wrote. 'A Journey to Joy' was the result of a realization I had while reading The Book of Joy by the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Carlton Abrams: remembering the joy and happiness in life is just as important as learning from adversity."



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