Datasets created by the DEEPEND Consortium.


Submissions from 2018


Raw acoustic scattering data of organisms from the water column, cruise DP03 - April-May 2016, Kevin M. Boswell


Raw acoustic scattering data of organisms from the water column, cruise DP04 - August 2016, Kevin M. Boswell


Raw acoustic scattering data of organisms from the water column, cruise DP05, April 2017 - May 2017, Kevin M. Boswell, Tracey Sutton, and Savannah LaBua

16S and COI barcoding sequences for crustaceans collected from the northern Gulf of Mexico for cruises DP02, DP03, and DP04 from August 2015 - August 2016, Heather Bracken-Grissom Dr.

Inventory of oceanic fauna data including species, weight, and measurements from R/V Point Sur (Cruise DP05) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2017-05-01 to 2017-05-11, April Cook and Tracey Sutton


Numerical simulation of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) using the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM), cruises DP03 and DP04 from January 2016 - December 2016, Sergio DeRada

Microbiome and bacterioplankton rRNA gene sequence data collected from Gulf of Mexico seawater samples, cruises DP03 and DP04 from April - August 2016, Cole Easson and Lindsey Freed

Conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) data for DEEPEND stations, cruise DP03, May 2016, David English, Chuanmin Hu, April Cook, and Tracey Sutton

Conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) data for DEEPEND stations, cruise DP05, May 2017, David English, Chuanmin Hu, April Cook, and Tracey Sutton

DNA sequences of mitochondrial Cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) genes from deep sea fishes collected during DEEPEND cruise DP05 from 2017-05-01 to 2017-05-11, Kimberly A. Finnegan, Andrea Bernard, M. Weber, Ron Eytan, and Mahmood S. Shivji

Chlorophyll concentration and optical absorption spectra of particulate and dissolved material, collected at several depths on DEEPEND cruises DP05 from January-December 2017, Chuanmin Hu


Near surface fluorescence and optical scattering profiles at CTD sampling stations, cruise DP05, May 2017, Chuanmin Hu

Spectral remote sensing reflectance of the water surface collected at multiple stations, cruise DP05, May 2017, Chuanmin Hu and David English


Salinity and temperature measurements from an oceanographic glider deployed in coordination with DEEPEND Cruise DP04, August 2016, Chuanmin Hu and Chad Lembke


Salinity and temperature measurements from an oceanographic glider deployed in coordination with DEEPEND cruise DP05, April-May 2017, Chuanmin Hu and Chad Lembke

Habitat classification of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) using the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) and salinity/temperature profiles, cruises DP01-DP04, May 2015 to August 2016, Matt Johnston, Rosanna Milligan, Cole Easson, Sergio DeRada, Brad Penta, and Tracey Sutton

Stable isotope (13C/15N) data of meso- and bathypelagic nekton, northern Gulf of Mexico, March - September 2011, T. M. Richards and E. E. Gipson

Presence/absence and density data for epipelagic tows collected during R/V Blazing Seven cruises LF2016A and LF2016B, northern Gulf of Mexico from 2016-06-09 to 2016-07-28, Jay R. Rooker and David Wells

Mitochondrial and nuclear sequences for phylogenetic analysis of three cephalopod species, northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2015 to May 2017, Amanda Sosnowki

Mitochondrial DNA sequence alignments and raw fastq files for the population genetic analysis of the deep sea isopod, Bathynomus giganteus, Laura Timm and Barbara Moahamed

Mitochondrial DNA sequence alignments for phylogenetic analysis of the shrimp genus Farfantepenaeus, Laura Timm, S. Simon, and Heather Bracken-Grissom Dr.

DNA sequences of the mitochondrial Cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) genes from deep sea fishes, cruises DP03 and DP04 from May 2016 - August 2016, Max Weber, Kimberly A. Finnegan, Andrea Bernard, Ron Eytan, and Mahmood S. Shivji

Submissions from 2017

DNA sequences of the mitochondrial Cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) genes from deep sea fishes. Cruises DP01 and DP02 from May 2015 - August 2015, Andrea Bernard, Max Weber, Kimberly A. Finnegan, Mahmood S. Shivji, and Ron Eytan


Raw acoustic scattering data of organisms from the water column, R/V Point Sur, Cruise DP02, August 9-21 2015, Kevin M. Boswell

Inventory of Gulf oceanic fauna data including species, weight, and measurements. Cruises DP01 May 1-8, 2015 and DP02 August 9-21, 2015 R/V on the Point Sur in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, April Cook and Tracey Sutton

Inventory of Gulf of Mexico oceanic fauna data including species, weight, and measurements from R/V Point Sur (Cruises DP03 and DP04) May-August, 2016, April Cook and Tracey Sutton


Numerical simulation of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) using the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM), cruises DP01 and DP02 from January 2015 - December 2015, Sergio DeRada

Microbiome and bacterioplankton rRNA gene sequence data collected from Gulf of Mexico seawater samples, Cruises DP01 and DP02 from May 2015 - August 2015, Cole Easson and Jose V. Lopez

Conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) data for DEEPEND stations, cruise DP04, August 2016, David English, Chuanmin Hu, April Cook, and Tracey Sutton

Complete bacterial symbiont genome sequences from anglerfish Cryptopsaras couesii and Melanocetus johnsonii, Lindsay L. Freed, Dana Fadera, Dante Fenolio, Tracey Sutton, and Jose V. Lopez


Near surface fluorescence and optical scattering profiles at CTD sampling stations, cruises DP03 and DP04 from January 2016 - December 2016, Chuanmin Hu

Chlorophyll concentration and optical absorption spectra of particulate and dissolved material, collected at several depths on DEEPEND cruises DP03 and DP04 from January-December 2016, Chuanmin Hu, Jenifer Cannizzaro, and David English

Spectral remote sensing reflectance of the water surface collected at multiple stations on cruises DP03 and DP04, May-August 2016, Chuanmin Hu, David English, Jacki Long, Shaojie Sun, and Jenifer Cannizzaro


Salinity and temperature measurements from an oceanographic glider deployed in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, cruise DP02, August 2015, Chuanmin Hu and Chad Lembke

Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP05 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, May 1-11, 2017, Viosca Knoll GoM, Gray Lawson and Travis Richards

Composition and quantification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in deep-pelagic fauna, cruises DP01 and DP02 from May 2015 - August 2015, Isabel C. Romero

Composition and quantification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in deep-pelagic fauna. Cruises DP02, DP03, and DP04 from August 2015 - August 2016, Isabel C. Romero

Cruise data for neuston net and paired bongo net tows from 47 stations in the northern Gulf of Mexico from R/V Pelican cruise LF2017A July 2017, Jay R. Rooker and R.J. David Wells

Cruise data for neuston net and paired bongo net tows from 48 stations in the northern Gulf of Mexico from R/V Blazing Seven cruises LF2015A and LF2015B June 2015 and July 2015, Jay R. Rooker and R.J. David Wells

Cruise data for neuston net and paired bongo net tows from 48 stations in the northern Gulf of Mexico from R/V Blazing Seven cruises LF2016A and LF2016B, June-July 2016, Jay R. Rooker and R.J. David Wells

Presence/absence and density data for epipelagic tows from 48 stations in the northern Gulf of Mexico from R/V Blazing Seven cruises LF2015A and LF2015B June 2015 and July 2015, Jay R. Rooker and R.J. David Wells


Catch number of true tuna (Thunnus spp.) larvae collected in the Gulf of Mexico before (2007-2009), during (2010), and after (2011-2013; 2015) the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS), Jay R. Rooker, R.J. David Wells, and Maelle Cornic


Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and Shipboard Computer System data from R/V Point Sur cruise DP01 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, May 1-8 2015, Tracey Sutton


Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and Shipboard Computer System data from R/V Point Sur cruise DP03 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, April 30 - May 16 2016, Tracey Sutton


Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, Serial Sensor, and Shipboard Computer System data from R/V Point Sur cruise DP04 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, August 5-18, 2016, Tracey Sutton


Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, Serial Sensor, and Shipboard Computer System data from R/V Point Sur cruise DP05 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, April 29th - May 12th 2017, Tracey Sutton


Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll Gulf of Mexico, Tracey Sutton


Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP04 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, August 5-18, 2016, Viosca Knoll Gulf of Mexico, Tracey Sutton


Underway data for Cruise DEEPEND DP02 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, August 8-22, 2015, Viosca Knoll Gulf of Mexico, Tracey Sutton


Inventory of Gulf oceanic fauna data including species, weight, and measurements. Meg Skansi cruises from Jan. 25 - Sept. 30, 2011 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Tracey Sutton, April Cook, Jon Moore, Tamara Frank, Heather Judkins, Michael Vecchione, Martha Nizinski, and Marsh Youngbluth


Inventory of Gulf oceanic fauna data including species, weight, and measurements, Pisces cruises from Dec. 1 2010 - Sept. 29, 2011 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Tracey Sutton, April Cook, Jon Moore, Tamara Frank, Heather Judkins, Michael Vecchione, Martha Nizinski, and Marsh Youngbluth


Annotated transcriptome and associated datasets of flatback mud crabs (Eurypanopeus depressus) exposed to dispersed oil, Hernan Vazquez-Miranda, Brent Thoma, Juliet M. Wong, Darryl L. Felder, Keith A. Crandall, and Heather D. Bracken-Grissom


Stable isotope ratios of model meso- and bathypelagic micronekton species of the Gulf of Mexico, cruises DP01, DP02, LF2015A and LF2015B from May 2015 - August 2015, R.J. David Wells and Travis Richards

Submissions from 2016


Raw acoustic scattering data of organisms from the water column, R/V Point Sur, cruise DP01, May 1 - 8, 2015, Kevin M. Boswell


DNA sequences for Penaeoidea phylogeny, Heather D. Bracken-Grissom


CTD data salinity, temperature, depth for Cruise DP02 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, August 8-22, 2015, Viosca Knoll GoM, David English, Chuanmin Hu, April Cook, and Tracey Sutton


Chlorophyll concentration and optical absorption spectra of particulate and dissolved material, collected at several depths on DEEPEND cruises DP01 and DP02, May 2015 - Aug 2015, Chuanmin Hu, David English, Jenifer Cannizzaro, and Charles Kovach


Near surface fluorescence and optical scattering profiles at CTD sampling stations. Cruises DP01 and DP02 from May 2015 - August 2015, Chuanmin Hu, David English, and Charles Kovach


Spectral remote sensing reflectance of the water surface collected at multiple stations on cruises DP01 and DP02, May-August 2015, Chuanmin Hu, David English, and Charles Kovach


Spectral remote sensing reflectance of the water surface collected at multiple stations on cruises DP01 and DP02, May-August 2015, Chuanmin Hu, David English, and Charles Kovach


Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP01 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, May 1-8, 2015, Viosca Knoll GoM, Gray Lawson and Travis Richards


Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP02 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, August 9-21, 2015, Viosca Knoll GoM: Deep-Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico (DEEPEND), Gray Lawson and Travis Richards

Submissions from 2015


CTD data salinity, temperature, depth for Cruise DP01 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, May 1-8, 2015, Viosca Knoll GoM, David English, Chuanmin Hu, April Cook, and Tracey Sutton