Faculty Books and Book Chapters

Divorce, Effect on Development
Book Title
Essays in Developmental Psychology
Document Type
Publication Date
Randall Summers, Charles Golden, Lisa Lashley, & Erica Ailes
biological and environmental influences, biological responses, childhood experiences, divorce, emotional regulation, health, health risk behaviors, insecurity, parental practices, separation
Childhood experiences of divorce affect multiple domains of development. Cognitive, emotional and physical areas of a child’s development may be impacted by the separation. Models of development which take into account both biological and environmental influences suggest that problems of divorce impact the parental practices towards the children which lead to difficulties in emotional regulation and insecurity. These arenas impact health in both explicit health risk behaviors as well as biological responses within the body. The combination of these seen and unseen processes contribute to an overall impact on health.
NSUWorks Citation
Bajnath, V.,
Lashley, L. K.,
Golden, C. J.
(2020). Divorce, Effect on Development. Essays in Developmental Psychology.
Available at: https://nsuworks.nova.edu/cps_facbooks/683
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Additional Information
This is one in a collection of essays as part of a project that began as an encyclopedia of developmental psychology coordinated by Dr. Randall Summers. However, for unforeseen reasons, the publisher was no longer in a position to publish the encyclopedia. This project was undertaken so that thousands of hours of work by psychologists would not go wasted. Enjoy these essays and feel free to cite them using the proper format.
Submit suggestions for corrections and topics to goldench@nova.edu.