Faculty Books and Book Chapters

Advanced abnormal psychology
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Although senior undergraduate psychology students and first year master's- and doctoral-level students frequently take courses in advanced abnormal psychology, it has been almost two decades since a book by this title has appeared. Professors teaching this course have had a wide variety of texts to select from that touch on various aspects of psychopathology, but none has been as comprehensive for the student as the present volume. Not only are basic concepts and models included, but there are specific sections dealing with childhood and adolescent disorders, adult and geriatric disorders, child treatment, and adult treatment. We believe the professor and advanced student alike will benefit from having all the requisite material under one cover. Our book contains 26 chapters presented in five parts, each part preceded by an editors' introduction. The chapters reflect updates in the classification of disorders (i. e. , DSM-IV). In Part I (Basic Concepts and Models), the chapters include diagnosis and classification, assessment strategies, research methods, the psychoanalytic model, the behavioral model, and the biological model. Parts II (Childhood and Adolescent Disorders) and III (Adult and Older Adult Disorders), bulk of the book. To ensure cross each containing seven chapters, represent the chapter consistency, each of these chapters on psychopathology follows an identical format, with the following basic sections: description of the disorder, epidemiology, clinical picture (with case description), course and prognosis, familial and genetic patterns, and diagnostic considerations.
Plenum Press
New York
NSUWorks Citation
Van Hasselt, V. B.,
Hersen, M.
(1994). Advanced abnormal psychology. .
Available at: https://nsuworks.nova.edu/cps_facbooks/405
Additional Information
V.B. Van Hasselt and M. Hersen, Editors