Integrated Coastal Resource Management Plans in Small Island Developing States: Case Study Andros Island Bahamas

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. Coastal Zone Management

First Advisor

Bart J. Baca

Second Advisor

Stacy Myers


Coastal resource management is an issue of concern for many people in the Bahamas. This Caribbean archipelago has seen many changes in the past 25 years since it won its Independence in 1974. The explosive growth of the tourism market has left urban centers such as Nassau showing serious signs of environmental degradation. Andros Island is the largest island in the archipelago and has seen essentially no significant growth during this same period of time. Currently Andros has tremendous growth potential in many areas such as tourism and agriculture. Businesses such as dive resorts and bonefishing lodges on Andros are interested in controlling future development in order to maintain the natural resource base upon which their interests are based. To this end, they are pushing for the establishment of a marine protected area that will encompass a significant portion of both terrestrial and marine resources. This paper is an attempt to summarize a vast body of literature regarding resource management in developing island nations. It includes a review of the development of modern resource management practices and environmental issues in the Caribbean. The focus is the use of community participation in the development of integrated resource management planning to facilitate the implementation of protected areas such as these. The intention is to provide the planners with a source of information from which to draw upon the necessary elements for an equitable and successful resource management regime.

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