Obstacles to Successful Restoration of Mangrove Areas Degraded by Aquaculture in Southern Thailand

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. Coastal Zone Management

First Advisor

Steffen Schmidt

Second Advisor

James Thomas

Third Advisor

Roy R. Lewis III


Mangroves occupy a sensitive fringe territory along tropical coasts. They are one of the most threatened forest ecosystems. In particular, developing nations have experienced the highest loss of mangrove areas globally. Life cycles of commercially viable fish, coastal storm surge protection, and carbon sequestration are just a few benefits mangrove ecosystems provide. With 400,000 hectares of abandoned shrimp ponds estimated worldwide and a cumulative loss of 7.4 million hectares of mangroves in the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia alone, it is urgent that these areas are brought back to productive states. Various obstacles make this task difficult, including aspects of culture and tradition, land use and law enforcement, and physical and hydrological requirements. Here, these impediments are examined and explored.

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