A Comprehensive Approach to Dune Restoration in South Florida; Key Elements in the Coral Cove Project Palm Beach County, Florida

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. Coastal Zone Management

First Advisor

Stacy Myers

Second Advisor

Richard E. Dodge


In the last 30 years, South Florida has experienced a tremendous growth in population mainly due to its favorable climate. The vast majority of the arriving populous has chosen to settle on or in close proximity to the coast. A prime attraction for the new arrivals as well as the millions of visiting tourists, is our beautiful beaches and inviting ocean waters. The tourist industry with all its associated services provides the backbone of the south Florida economy. However, one of the consequences of this population boom has been the over-development of the coastline. The desire to reside on the coast compounded by weak construction setback regulations has resulted in the overdevelopment of nearly the entire South Florida coastline, and created a difficult situation for coastal managers trying to protect one of Florida's most vital natural resources, its beaches and dunes.

The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the variables which govern the physical changes to the coastline and offer a comprehensive approach to effective management of the beach/dune system with emphasis on dune restoration. associated with a recent dune restoration project Key elements located in northern Palm Beach County are provided for use as a model for the planning and design of future dune restoration projects proposed in South Florida.

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