Chlorination and Chlorination By-Products: The Fate and Effect on Marine Systems

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. Marine Biology

Second Degree Name

M.S. Coastal Zone Management

First Advisor

Curtis Burney

Second Advisor

Donald McCorquodale


Chlorination has become the major way that we disinfect out water supplies. Until recently, this method looked to be the answer to our disinfection needs. When outbreak of waterborne viruses began to show up in the news, the effectiveness of chlorination became questionable. At the same time, we began to depend more on seawater for cooling and in some countries for potable water. Environmental groups began to shout that chlorination was bad for the environment and human health. This capstone review paper is to answer questions regarding these statements. I wanted to know how bad this method of disinfection was for the environment, especially the marine one. How did it affect organisms? Would any toxic by-products occur? I wanted to know, since we are increasingly dependent on the marine environment for our food and living needs. If we become more aware of the products of this methods, maybe we could change the way we disinfect our drinking water supplies and let us leave less of an impact on our environment.

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