Considerations for Developing and Implementing a Prescribed Fire Management Plan for Southeast Florida Coastal Scrub Ecosystems

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. Coastal Zone Management

First Advisor

Richard E. Dodge

Second Advisor

Bart Baca


The need for fire in certain ecosystem communities is well studied and understood. Archaeological evidence even documents early man's use of fire to increase crop productivity. However, as urban development continues to surround remnant ecosystems on our coasts, and what natural coastal systems do remain become recreational areas, fire suppression becomes the accepted policy. Public opinion and urban pressures become the predominant forces in the development of ecosystem management plans and policy; not rationale, scientific information This paper will review the current literature describing the ecological benefits of prescribed fire in Southeast Florida coastal scrub ecosystems, the components of a prescribed fire management plan, and the special considerations necessary in formulating and implementing such a plan for those ecosystems affected by urban development.

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