An International Assessment of Mangrove Management: Incorporation in Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Land-use Planning

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. Coastal Zone Management

First Advisor

Steffen Schmidt

Second Advisor

Amy C. Hirons


In the past, there was widespread disregard for mangrove ecosystems; as a result they were carelessly overused and destroyed to make room for coastal developments and aquaculture ponds. Once governments began to recognize that mangroves support jobs and the tourism industry, sustain commercial fish stocks, and act as a storm buffer for coastal communities, protection policies began to emerge under wetland and forestry programs (Clark, 1996). Although mangrove protection has been incorporated in integrated coastal zone management programs and marine protected areas, it appears there is still room for improvement. Due to the fact that coastal populations are rapidly growing, governments must also take inland activities into account to prevent further harm to the coasts. It is recommended that land-use reforms be implemented in conjunction with all coastal zone management programs to prohibit additional development in fragile mangrove habitat. Therefore, human activities must be managed along with the natural resources to create a balance between development and conservation. Successful mangrove management will require “a blend of strategies” and incorporation of all levels of government (Beatley et al., 2002). Legally binding policies will be necessary to ensure the implementation of integrated coastal zone management, land-use reforms, and restoration of damaged mangroves.

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