Biology Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches, Lectures
Submissions from 2022
Substantiation and Validation of the Benefits of CUREs in STEM using a Combination of Self-Reported Gains and Alignment with Learning Objectives, Monica Aguiar, Luzcarime Saco Vertiz, Mina Ghali, Rachel Keating, Ane Mashiach, Rajin Persaud, Kayla Rubalsky, Akshata Sastry, Irene Stepensky, Trisha Sudhakar, Santanu De, and Arthur Sikora
Distance and Interpersonal Analysis on Learning Progression of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Biochemistry, Mina Ghali, Kayla Rubalsky, Irene Stepensky, Santanu De, and Arthur Sikora
Global impacts of COVID-19 on education and research in healthcare and STEM: Analysis of case studies, Yumna Indorewala and Santanu De
Global Impacts of COVID-19 on Education and Research in STEM and Healthcare: Analysis of Case Studies, Yumna Indorewala and Santanu De
Research and Education in Global Healthcare and STEM During COVID-19: Analysis of Case Studies, Yumna Indorewala and Santanu De
The Importance of Virtual Learning in Biochemistry Laboratory Course to Supplement Wet-Lab Research, Ane Mashiach, Monica Aguiar, Rajinder Persaud, Trisha Sudhakar, Santanu De, and Arthur Sikora
Submissions from 2021
Navigating COVID-19-based Challenges to Global Education, Research, and Management in Healthcare and STEM, Stephanie Autore, Jessica Hallett, Michelle Hoang, and Santanu De
Health Profession Students’ Learning Outcomes Channeled by the Adoption of a Virtual Classroom, Gesulla Cavanaugh, Melissa Morris, Santanu De, Clarissa Afable, Holly E. Madison, and Jacqueline Marshall
Key Strategies for Effective Pedagogy and Assessment of College STEM Courses Online during COVID-19, Santanu De and Georgina Arguello
The Influence of Winner and Loser Effects on the Outcome of Sporting Competitions, Omar T. Eldakar
Viewing sports performance through the lens of evolutionary biology: winner-loser effects and why only runners get “high”, Omar T. Eldakar
COVID-19-based Challenges and Countermeasures in Education, Research, and Management in Healthcare and STEM, Jessica Hallett, Stephanie Autore, Michelle Hoang, and Santanu De
Education, research, and management in STEM and healthcare: global impacts of COVID-19, Michelle Hoang, Jessica Hallett, Stephanie Autore, and Santanu De
Analysis of Student Learning Gains in a Biochemistry CURE course during the mandatory COVID-19 shift to online learning, Ambika Kapil, Santanu De, and Arthur Sikora
Assessment of Student Mastery of Anticipated Learning Outcomes During a BlendFlex STEM CURE Using a Combination of Self-reported and Empirical Analysis, Ambika Kapil, Niraj Pathak, Arthur Sikora, and Santanu De
Using the protein databank to visualize the effect of minor amino acid differences on the function of SARS-CoV monoclonal antibodies, Sanjana Likki, Feza Abbas, Lyla Abbas, Carolina Alzamora, Matthew Hunt, Pujita Julakanti, Christo Mannikkuttiyi, Emily Schmitt Lavin, and Arthur Sikora
Minor Changes with Large Implications: Modeling Amino Acid Mutations in SARS-CoV Monoclonal Antibodies (80R and 362) Towards the Design of More Universal Antibodies, Carol Manikkuttiyil, Feza Abbas, Lyla Abbas, Carolina Alzamora, Matthew Hunt, Pujita Julakanti, Sanjana Likki, Christo Manikkuttiyil, Emily Schmitt Lavin, and Arthur Sikora
Bacteria Unearthed, A Patel, V Patel, D Krishna, and Aarti Raja
Bacteria Unearthed, A Patel, V Patel, T Sebai, and Aarti Raja
Analysis of student mastery of anticipated learning outcomes during a BlendFlex STEM CURE using a combination of self-reported and empirical analysis, Niraj Pathak, Mariam Tariq, Santanu De, and Arthur Sikora
Submissions from 2020
An Analysis of STEM Education at the College Level: Stakeholders’ Perspectives, Georgina Arguello, Santanu De, and Silvia Orta
Anatomy and Physiology Breakout Session / Focus Group, Santanu De
Navigating Healthcare Science Student Learning and Engagement Through Implementation of a Virtual Classroom, Santanu De and Gesulla Cavanaugh
Microbiomes of a Corallivore (Hermodice carunculata): Where in the Worm are the Coral Microbes?, Candace J. Grimes, J. LaBonte, Jose Lopez, and A. Schulze
Development of "Sharkavir": A Hypothetical Inhibitor for HIV-1 Protease, Matthew Hunt, Feza Abbas, Lyla Abbas, Mina Ghali, Helana Ghali, Alesa Chabbra, Emily Schmitt Lavin, and Arthur Sikora
Design of research-based assessment strategies for a biochemistry CURE using published learning outcomes, Brian Kim, Owayne Haughton, Rohan Muchintala, Santanu De, and Arthur Sikora
Design of Research-Based Assessment Strategies for a Biochemistry Cure Using Published Learning Outcomes, Brian Kim, Owayne Haughton, Rohan Muchintala, Santanu De, and Arthur Sikora
Novel Assessment Strategies for Biochemistry Courses Using the Research-Based Biochemistry Authentic Student Inquiry Lab (BASIL) Model, Brian Kim, Rohan Muchintala, Owayne Haughton, Santanu De, and Arthur Sikora
Peer-Video-Blog Assessment: An Innovative Approach to Assessment, Eunice Luyegu and Santanu De
Use of Science Mobile Apps among Undergraduate Science Students and Its Impact on Their Interest and Learning, Vanaja Nethi and Santanu De
Investigating the Microbiota from Unique Wetland Ecosystems, V Rachakonda, Paul Baldauf, and Aarti Raja
Submissions from 2019
Effect Sizes, Affect Words, and the Value of Parasites as Bioindicators, Christopher A. Blanar
Playing Through the Parasite: Is Toxoplasma gondii Affecting Your Athletic Performance?, Christopher Blanar, Jonathan B. Banks, and Eben Gering
The potential of socio-biologically relevant mobile apps to attract girls to STEM, Santanu De and Vanaja Nethi
New Insights into Turkey Domestication in the Mimbres Valley using Mitochondrial DNA Analysis, Sean G. Dolan and Andrew T. Ozga
The influence of winner and loser effects on the outcome of competitive sports, Omar T. Eldakar
Ecological Insights for Freshwater Birds from Endoparasite Community Analysis, Emily T. Hoeflich, Christopher Blanar, and David Kerstetter
3-Way Shoe Test, Mark Jaffe
Do Markers of Verbal Confidence Correlate with Effect Size in Studies of Pollution Bioindicators?, B. Law and Christopher A. Blanar
Characterizing Marine Biodiversity through the Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance (GIGA), Jose V. Lopez
A Moving Landscape of Genomics for Conservation - Land and Sea, Stephen James O'Brien
Adventures in Museuomics: The Use of Next Generation Sequencing to Uncover Great Ape Host and Microbial Genomes, Andrew T. Ozga and Anne C. Stone
Recent History of Gombe Chimpanzees through Ancient DNA Analysis, Andrew T. Ozga, Timothy H. Webster, Ian C. Gilby, Rebecca Nockerts, Michael A. Wilson, Anne Pusey, and Anne C. Stone
Biogeographic Study of Human Gut Associated crAssphage Suggests Impacts from Industrialization and Recent Expansion, Krithivasan Sankaranarayanan, Tanvi P. Honap, Stephanie L. Schnorr, Andrew T. Ozga, Christina Warinner, and Cecil Lewis Jr.
Sharks: Genetics, Genomics and Journeys, Mahmood S. Shivji
Histology of Gonad Tissue in a Sequential Hermaphrodite Fish, Qaas Shoukat and Christopher A. Blanar
Histology of Gonad Tissue in a Sequential Hermaphrodite Fish, Qaas Shoukat and Christopher A. Blanar
Noninvasive Genomics of Gombe Chimpanzees: Evaluating Methods for Wild Primate Populations Genomics, Timothy H. Webster, Andrew T. Ozga, Ian C. Gilby, Melissa A. Wilson Sayres, Yingying Li, Beatrice H. Hahn, Rebecca Nockerts, Michael A. Wilson, Anne Pusey, and Anne C. Stone
Submissions from 2018
Pinniped Karyotype Evolution Substantiated by Comparative Chromosome Painting of 10 Pinniped Species (Pinnipedia, Carnivora), Violetta R. Beklemisheva, Polina L. Perelman, Natalya A. Lemskaya, Anastasia I. Kulemzina, Anastasiya A. Proskuryakova, Vladimir N. Burkanov, Stephen James O'Brien, and Alexander S. Graphodatsky
Turkey Domestication and Iconography during the Mimbres Classic Period, Sean G. Dolan and Andrew T. Ozga
Power and Corruption: How disparities in power shape the evolution of social control, Omar T. Eldakar
Sex and Tragedy, Omar T. Eldakar
Sex and Tragedy: How social evolutionary theory provides insights to the evolution of sexual conflict, Omar T. Eldakar
Sex and Tragedy: How social evolutionary theory provides insights to the evolution of sexual conflict, Omar T. Eldakar
Carotid Artery Temperature Modulates the Expression of Contagious Yawning, Andrew Gallup, Valentina Ramirez, Colleen P. Ryan, and Omar T. Eldakar
Rapid Evolution of Feral Fowl from Bermuda and Kauai, Eben Gering
Recent Adaptation in Kauai's Feral Gallus gallus, Eben Gering
Two Tickets to Paradise: Genome Variation in the Feral Fowl (Gallus gallus) of Bermuda and Kauai, Eben Gering
Contingencies and Parallels in the Rapid Evolution of Feral Populations, Eben Gering, M. Johnsson, Dominic Wright, A. Steep, H. Cheng, and Thomas Getty
Investigating the Microbiota of Stormwater Treatment Areas, R. Harkas, Jose V. Lopez, Paul Baldauf, and Aarti Raja
Developing a Physical Model of O-GlcNAc Transferase (OGT) in Complex with TAB1, Viviana Perez Hernandez, Sophia Nguyen, Alesa Chabbra, and Emily Schmitt Lavin
3-Way Shoe Test, Mark Jaffe
Relationships of Endoparasite Diversity and Feeding Ecology in the Seabird Complex of South Florida, Michael Nakama, Christopher A. Blanar, S. Locke, and David Kerstetter
Relationships of Endoparasite Diversity and Feeding Ecology in the Seabird Complex of South Florida, Michael Nakama, Christopher Blanar, S. Locke, and David Kerstetter
A Moving Landscape for Comparative Genomics in Mammals, Stephen James O'Brien, Gaik Tamazian, Aleksey Komissarov, Pavel Dobrynin, Ksenia Krasheninnikova, Sergey Kliver, Nikolay Cherkasov, and Klaus-Peter Koepfli
Oral microbiome variation in chimpanzees from Gombe National Park, Andrew T. Ozga, Rebecca Nockerts, Michael L. Wilson, Ian C. Gilby, Anne Pusey, and Anne C. Stone
Profiles of Microbial Diversity and Function with Museum Dental Calculus Samples Extracted from Wild Great Apes, Andrew T. Ozga and Anne C. Stone
X Chromosome Evolution in Cetartiodactyla, Anastasiya A. Proskuryakova, Anastasia I. Kulemzina, Polina L. Perelman, Alexey I. Makunin, Natalya A. Lemskaya, Violetta R. Beklemisheva, Denis M. Larkin, Marta Farre, Anna V. Kukekova, Oliver A. Ryder, Stephen James O'Brien, and Alexander S. Graphodatsky
Constructing a 3-D Molecular Model to Highlight the Conversion of the Normal Protein PrPC into the Mutated PrPSC in a Prion Disease, Emily F. Schmitt Lavin, Allan Barraza, Hoang (Gwen) Bui, and Robert Charles Speth
Histology of Gonad Tissue in a Sequential Hermaphrodite Fish, Qaas Shoukat and Christopher A. Blanar
Quantitative Measurement of Aversive Learning and Intoxication Rates in Caenorhabditis elegans in Response to an Engineered Nematicidal Bacterium, P. Velagapudi, K. Patel, A. Riddell, Christopher A. Blanar, and R. P. Smith
The Role of Ontogenetic Habitat Shift on Parasite Communities in Five South Florida Fishes, Brittany Nicole White, Christopher Blanar, Nicole Kirchhoff, and David Kerstetter
Submissions from 2017
Isolation and Characterization of Antibiotic Producing Bacteria from Storm Water Treatment Areas, Kayla Castellanos-Bristol, Taura Khorramshahi, Anupsinh Chauhan, Aarti Raja, and Paul Baldauf
Sargassum-Associated Fish Communities are Stable Over Time and Feature Low Levels of Parasitism, Kelsey Fox, Christopher Blanar, and David Kerstetter
A Novel Assay to Screen Soil Samples for Bacterial Type III Secretion Systems Inhibitors, Julie Torruellas Garcia
Birds of Borrowed Paradise: Comparing Independently Feral Gallus gallus from Bermuda and Kauai, Eben Gering, Dominic Wright, and Thomas Getty
Diabetic Wound Care for the Non-Podiatrist, Mark A. Jaffe
Screening for Type III Secretion System Inhibitors, Samir Nacer, Kevin Lujan, Kendall Mockridge, Chris Soha, Eugenia Jiminez, and Julie Torruellas Garcia
Mineralogical Analysis of Aeolian Dune Deposits, White River Badlands, South Dakota, Megan O'Connor and Paul Baldauf
Chimpanzees of the Past: Full Mitochondrial Genomes from Pan Troglodytes schweinfurthii Skeletons from Gombe National Park, Andrew T. Ozga, Maria A. Nieves-Colon, Rebecca Nockerts, Michael L. Wilson, Anne Pusey, and Anne C. Stone
Teaching Practices Utilized for Physiology at NSU, Deanne Roopnarine
Determination and Quantification of Metals in the Shells of Crassostrea virginica After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Utilizing Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Deanne Roopnarine, Swati Patel, Peter D. Roopnarine, Dimitri Giarikos, and Laurie C. Anderson
Developing 3-D Molecular Models to Highlight the Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor and Olmesartan Binding for Medical and Educational Applications, Emily Schmitt Lavin, Guy Merus, Valentina Ramirez, and Riti Vohra
Evidence of Variable Growth Rates in Hogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus) Depending on Reef Tract, Ian A. Towne, Paul T. Arena, David Kerstetter, and A. Collins
Ontogenetic Habitat Shifts and Parasite Community Structure in Five Southeast Florida Marine Fishes, Brittany White, Christopher Blanar, David Kerstetter, and Nicole Kirchoff
Submissions from 2016
Isolation of Antibiotic Producing Microorganisms from Various Soil in South Florida, Kayla Castellanos-Bristol, Taura Khorramshahi, Anupsinh Chauhan, and Aarti Raja
Asynchronous Reproduction and Multi-Spawning in the Coral-Excavating Sponge Cliona delitrix, Andia Chaves Fonnegra, Manuel Maldonado, Patricia Blackwelder, and Jose V. Lopez
Sex and Tragedy: How social evolutionary theory provides insights to the evolution of sexual conflict, Omar T. Eldakar
Insights to Feralisation from Kauai's Gallus gallus: Contingency and Adaptation in the Building of a Superchicken, Eben Gering
Evolution Through the Lens of a Tourist Camera: Social Media Enables Remote-Sensing of Gallus gallus Genotypes, Phenotypes, and Demography, Eben Gering, Levi Storks, Sigrid Van Dort, Dominic Wright, and Thomas Getty
Evidence of Adaptation in Feral (Gallus gallus) Genepools, Eben Gering, Dominic Wright, Thomas Getty, and M. Johnsson
Welcome to the Office Brochure, Mark A. Jaffe
Long-Term Genetic Stability and a High Altitude East Asian Origin for the Peoples of the High Valleys of the Himalayan Arc, Choongwon Jeong, Andrew T. Ozga, David B. Witonsky, Helena Malmstrom, Mattias Jakobsson, Cecil M. Lewis, Mark Aldenderfer, Anna Di Rienzo, and Christina Warinner
Art, Microbiology and Anatomy Combined in a Unique Arts and Sciences Collaboration, Jenna Knafo, Anh Nguyen, Michelle Duddy, Veronica Cote, and Julie Torruellas Garcia
Relationships of Endoparasite Diversity and Feeding Ecology in the Seabird Complex of South Florida, Michael Nakama, Christopher A. Blanar, Sean A. Locke, and David Kerstetter
Relationships of Endoparasite Diversity and Feeding Ecology in the Seabird Complex of South Florida, Michael Nakama, Christopher Blanar, Sean A. Locke, and David Kerstetter
Development of Larval Hookworms from Raccoon, Procyon lotor, as Experimental Models in Nematode-Based Laboratory Assays, H. Narlapati, R. St. Godard, Robert Smith, and Christopher A. Blanar
Ancient Dental Calculus as a Reservoir of Whole Human Mitogenomes, Andrew T. Ozga, Maria A. Nieves-Colon, Tanvi P. Honap, Krithivasan Sankaranarayanan, Courtney A. Hofman, George R. Milner, Cecil M. Lewis Jr., Anne C. Stone, and Christina G. Warinner
Modeling and Simulation of Caenorhabditis elegans Chemotaxis in Response to a Dynamic Engineered Bacteria, Divya A. Pandya, Evan Haskell, Robert Smith, and Christopher A. Blanar
Mobilizing College Students in Health Professional Studies to Provide Science Outreach Activities to the Community, Valentina Ramirez, Ahjay Bhatia, Suhani Patel, Michele Parsons, and Emily Schmitt Lavin