NSU Halmos College of Arts and Sciences (HCAS) Alumni


John Ogunlade, D.O.


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NSU Major

BS Biology, D.O. Osteopathic Medicine

NSU Minor Degree

Chemistry and Psychology

NSU Undergraduate Date


NSU Graduate Degree Graduation Date


Highest Degree Completed



Neurological Surgery Resident

NSU Experience

The biology program at Nova Southeastern University is a unique program which provides an interactive educational environment directly with the professor in a small class setting. The professors at Southeastern University were very personable and involved in the education of their students. Many of these professors, Such as Dr. Schmitt, Continue to maintain a long lasting mentorship and friendship with their current and former students long after they have moved on in life. We had many resources to aid in our education. For me, lab time was not only a hands on educational experience, it was a brain stimulating exercise that fostered curiosity and challenged me to do more and know more. Mentor-ship from my anatomy teacher, Dr. Roopnarine, planted a seed, which later led me to pursue a career in medicine. When I got to medical school, I felt well prepared for the curriculum. What I enjoyed most about NSU is that it is such a large university with many different programs but each individual class for my degree and minors made me feel as if I were in a small community of biology majors. NSU it's a diverse University, with students from all walks of life, and being located in South Florida, I didn't feel like I was in a college town, instead I felt like part of a bigger city.

Words of wisdom: The harder you prepare in Undergrad, the better you will be prepared for life. Embrace your responsibilities, they only make you a better adult. Its ok to have fun in undergrad but just remember that decisions you make have real life consequences, not just in the present but in the future as well. Best of Luck




Siddiqi,J. Neurosugical Intensive Care, 2nd Edition, May 2017


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