NSU Halmos College of Arts and Sciences (HCAS) Alumni
Mariam Haroun
NSU Major
BS Biology
NSU Minor Degree
NSU Undergraduate Date
Highest Degree Completed
NSU Experience
The NSU undergraduate Biology program definitely prepared me well for the challenges of Dental School. At NSU, I learned valuable time management skills in order to succeed in the more difficult academic years ahead. My favorite thing about NSU was the small classroom size (compared to larger public/private colleges) that allowed a more personal interaction with my professors and more accessibility to them which I believe was another important factor in my success. The most important advice I can give to current students is to get out there and shadow members of whichever career you are considering before pursuing it academically. A lot can change in a career while you are in school working towards it. Another invaluable piece of advice is to MASTER TIME MANAGEMENT NOW! (-aka- don't wait until you actually need it)