NSU Halmos College of Arts and Sciences (HCAS) Alumni
Nergess Taheri
NSU Major
BS Biology, D.O. Osteopathic Medicine
NSU Minor Degree
NSU Undergraduate Date
NSU Graduate Degree Graduation Date
Highest Degree Completed
Current Employer
Family Medicine Residency at Lakeside Medical Center
NSU Experience
The Biology program at NSU taught me a lot and really prepared me for going to NSU’s Osteopathic Medical School. I was able to participate in an Externship to Graz, Austria where I participated in transplant surgery and research. This helped prepare me for medical school and rotations. While on my rotations I was already prepared to manage patients due to this externship. To current students, my advice would be to work hard but make sure to try experiences that may challenge you. When I first started I was a quiet student but I became a teaching assistant for Anatomy and Physiology Labs with Dr. Roopnarine and was really able to break out of my shell and be more proactive.