NSU Halmos College of Arts and Sciences (HCAS) Alumni



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NSU Major

BS Biology, D.O. Osteopathic Medicine

NSU Minor Degree


NSU Undergraduate Date

May 2018

NSU Graduate Degree Graduation Date


Highest Degree Completed


Current Employer

Orlando Health


Internal Medicine Resident Physician

NSU Experience

NSU's biology program prepared me for success in several ways and provided so many opportunities for me to grow. The biology program offered several extracurricular activities such as research, medical workshops, Science Alive, and pre-medical interview preparation, which had even helped me when applying to medical school and even Internal Medicine residency. Additionally, the advanced classes offered such as Cellular, Molecular Biology, Histology, and Advanced Physiology provided an easy transition to medical school. I will forever be grateful to the faculty members, especially Dr. Schmitt and Dr. Roopnarine, for their constant guidance and support throughout the years. Their passion for teaching and dedication to science is truly inspirational. As I start the next chapter of my life as a medical resident, I will always be appreciative of the experiences, knowledge, and skills I gained from NSU biology.


Limited Joint Mobility (Diabetic Cheiroarthropathy) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Case Report



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