NSU Halmos College of Arts and Sciences (HCAS) Alumni

NSU Major
BS Biology
NSU Minor Degree
Public Health, Pre-Health, Honors Transdisciplinary Studies
NSU Undergraduate Date
May 2021
Highest Degree Completed
Current Employer
National Health Corps
Health Educator and Youth Engagement Program Coordinator
NSU Experience
Attending NSU was an incredibly enriching experience that I look back upon fondly. As my future goal is to attend medical school, the Biology program encouraged my pursuit of greater knowledge in ways I wouldn't have thought possible. Throughout the majority of my college career I volunteered with Science Alive, headed by Dr. Schmitt. Teaching science concepts to children in ways they could understand was so fulfilling, and it eventually led to a semester internship. With the guidance of Dr. Schmitt, our team got approved for a SIgma Xi grant regarding a hydroculture project for the kids! This is just one way that the NSU Biology program expanded my love and appreciation for science.
I am currently serving for the National Health Corps in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! As I work for the Center of Adolescent Medicine at UPMC, I have the privilege to work with children and teenagers about different aspects of their health. My goal is to learn more about health inequities and the various determinants of health throughout my service year. One can learn about barriers in a classroom, but the realities many face with access to care go beyond that. Having the privilege to work with local leaders and organizations are at the forefront of my mind, and I want to make sure that the choices I make assist in their goals for the future. The influence of professors (that I still contact to this day!) like Dr. Schmitt, Dr. Doan, and Dr. Tartar have changed my perception of how to go about my service term. I have the luxury of combining both my Biology and Public Health education early on in my professional life, which will thus prepare me even better for medical school! NSU will always have a place in my heart, and I hope that current students can share their stories in the future. Go Sharks!