NSU Halmos College of Arts and Sciences (HCAS) Alumni



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NSU Major

BS Biology

NSU Minor Degree


NSU Undergraduate Date


Other Institutions of Study

State College of Florida, RN program, graduated December 2019

Highest Degree Completed


Current Employer

Sarasota Medical Pregnancy Center


RN Team Leader

NSU Experience

NSU really helped prepare me for my current job. I ended up not using my BS degree from NSU to go onto medical school, but instead decided to attend a school closer to home and become a nurse (because I had my daughter and wanted more time with her and my husband than I would have had if I went onto medical school). I was over prepared for nursing school after NSU. Nursing school was a piece of cake in comparison to the Biology program at NSU. I gained a lot of knowledge and skills from the biology program. It is a fabulous school with amazing teachers. Words of wisdom: pick the teachers that will challenge you - don't pick the easy teachers for your core classes: I suggest Dr. Roopnarine and Dr. Schmitt. Picking teachers that challenge you to do your best will be much better for you in the long run!


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