CAHSS Faculty Presentations, Proceedings, Lectures, and Symposia

CAHSS Faculty Presentations, Proceedings, Lectures, and Symposia

A collection of presentations, proceedings, lectures, and symposia from the faculty of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at Nova Southeastern University.


Submissions from 1997

The Creation of An Institute for Cultural Studies in Family Therapy, Christopher F. Burnett, Anne Rambo, Fannya Jabouin-Monnay, and Ronie Gomes-Hodgson

The Self: A BioPsychoSocial Approach, Mark J. Cavanaugh

Real World Research, Ronald J. Chenail

Family Therapy: Creative Ways to Apply the Craft, Ronald J. Chenail, G. Tuttle, and T. Todd

Working with Chemically Dependent Families through a Bowenian Lens, Barbara Clerkin-Robert and Christopher F. Burnett

Impact of Counseling and HIV Testing on Insertive Anal Intercourse by HIV-Positive Homosexual Men, William W. Darrow, Robert D. Webster, Robert R. Stempel, and Steven P. Kurtz

Colonial Irish and Scots Traders and Agents and their Relations with the Southeastern Tribes, James E. Doan

Sir William Johnson (1715-74): An Irishman in Colonial New York, James E. Doan

The 1757 Siege of Fort William Henry, The Last of the Mohicans and the Ulster Rising of 1641: A Comparative View of Discourse on 'Massacres', James E. Doan

The Development of Arthurian Tradition from Welsh to Romance Literature, James E. Doan

Twentieth-Century Irish Poetry and Politics, James E. Doan

Revisioning sex therapy, D. Flemons and Shelley K. Green

Revisioning sex therapy, D. Flemons and Shelley K. Green

Revisioning Sex Therapy, Douglas G. Flemons and Shelley K. Green

Revisioning sex therapy, Douglas G. Flemons and S. K. Green

Revisioning Sex Therapy, Douglas G. Flemons and S. K. Green

Immediacy and Its Relationship with Teaching Effectiveness: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Six Countries, Alexia Georgakopoulos

Revisioning Supervision: Inviting Colleagues’ Voices, Shelley K. Green

Interactive Supervision: A Model for Creative Training and Consultation, Shelley K. Green, L. Shilts, and G. Bacigalupe

The Colored Colonel: The Military Career of Colonel Charles Young, 1894- 1922, David P. Kilroy

The Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., David P. Kilroy

Butterflies Under Cover: Cuban and Puerto Rican Gay Masculinities in Miami, Steven P. Kurtz

Respondents' Suggestions on How to Prevent the Spread of HIV, from the South Beach Health Survey, Steven P. Kurtz

The Systemic Treatment of Domestic Violence, Martha Gonzalez Marquez, T. Mullin, and S. Picado

Basic Ethical Principles, Ben Mulvey

Case Presentation: Drug Seeking Patient in the Emergency Department, Ben Mulvey

Ethical Issues for Healthcare Professionals, Ben Mulvey

Living Wills: Case Study, Ben Mulvey

Point—Counterpoint: Physician Assisted Suicide, Ben Mulvey

The Development of the NSU Multicultural Institute, Anne Hearon Rambo

Have Idea, Need $: Finding Funding for Your Project, Anne Hearon Rambo and Irv Rosenbaum

The Development of the NSU Multicultural Institute, Anne Hearon Rambo and Irv Rosenbaum

The Potential Role of Somali Women in the Peace and Political Processes, Mary Schwoebel

Interactive Socio-Drama on Issues of Oppression, Grace A. Telesco

Cyberspace and Legal Scholarship, Charles L. Zelden

Submissions from 1996

When Approved Is Not Enough: Revisioning Supervision, G. Bacigalupe, Shelley K. Green, and L. Shilts

Training of Trainers in Tropical Conservation and Development. Teacher of Graduate Level Course: Communities, Gender, and Natural Resource Management, Elena P. Bastidas

Emotional Gravity and the Bereavement Process, Christopher F. Burnett

Fundamental Concepts in the Theory and Application of Bowen Family Systems Theory, Christopher F. Burnett

Letting Teachers Teach: The Importance of Appropriate and Accessible Mental Health Services in a Middle School Setting, Christopher F. Burnett

The Importance of Supportive Relationships in Successful Transplant Surgery Recovery, Christopher F. Burnett

Understanding Relationship Basics to Improve your Sense of Well Being, Christopher F. Burnett

Doing What Comes Naturally: Adding Mediation to your Private Practice, Christopher F. Burnett and Sharon Boesl

Mediation and Psychology, Christopher F. Burnett and Sharon Boesl

Anatomy of a Doctoral Research Sequence, Christopher F. Burnett, Ronald Chenail, Douglas G. Flemons, Shelley K. Green, and B. Polkinghorn

Anatomy of a Doctoral Research Sequence, Christopher F. Burnett, Ronald Chenail, Douglas G. Flemons, Shelley K. Green, and B. Polkinghorn

Substance Abuse Treatment and the Use of Multiple Systems Views, Christopher F. Burnett and Deborah J. Jensen

The Emotional Life of Organizations, Christopher F. Burnett and Mary Napels

Alternate Assessment Techniques. Symposium, Christopher F. Burnett, Vesna Ostertag, and Mary Ellen Mahrer

Contributions of Evolutionary Psychology to an Understanding of the Perception of Others, Mark J. Cavanaugh

New Careers in Business for Family Therapists, Ronald J. Chenail, J. Chenail, and P. Cole

The Taming of Qualitative Research, Ronald J. Chenail, P. Cole, and J. S. Chenail

How to Improve Your Qualitative Research, Ronald J. Chenail and L. Hernandez

Creating Qualitative Research: An Interactive Approach, Ronald J. Chenail, M. Latz, and P. Maione

18th Century Ulster Emigration to America, James E. Doan

An Island in the Virginian Sea: Images of the Native Americans and Irish in Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth-Century English Discourse, James E. Doan

The Current Political Situation in Northern Ireland, James E. Doan

The Eagle Wing Expedition of 1636: The First Attempted Scots-irish Migration to North America, James E. Doan

From Outsider to Insider: Counselling Across Boundaries of Gender, Culture, Age, and Experience, Douglas G. Flemons

Iatrogenic Memories: Therapist-induced Construction of Past Traumas, Douglas G. Flemons

Remembrance of Traumas Past: Imagination and Memory, Douglas G. Flemons

The Manchurian Candidate: The Question of Hypnotic Control, Douglas G. Flemons

Solution-Focused Parenting for the Adopted Child, Arlene B. Gordon

Contextual Sex Therapy, Shelley K. Green

Establishing a Foothold in Africa: The US. State Department and the Political Uses of the Rubber Cartel Problem, David P. Kilroy

Patterns of Minoritization: The Application of Theories of Race and Ethnicity to Homosexual Men, Steven P. Kurtz

Women’s Cardiac Narratives: A Feminist, Multimethod Study, M. Latz and Ronald J. Chenail

Supervisors-in-Training, Martha Gonzalez Marquez

The Systemic Treatment of Domestic Violence, Martha Gonzalez Marquez, T. Mullin, and S. Picado

Basic Ethical Principles, Ben Mulvey

Business Ethics: Is This An Oxymoron?, Ben Mulvey

Defining Learning Outcomes, Ben Mulvey

Ethical Dilemmas in Geriatric Care Management, Ben Mulvey

Ethical Principles: Putting Them Into Practice, Ben Mulvey

Novice Bioethics Committees, Ben Mulvey

The Incompetent Patient: Children and Minors, Ben Mulvey

What Bothers Me About My Ethics Committee? How We Handle Those Problems, Ben Mulvey

What is Bioethics?, Ben Mulvey

Improving Relationships with Adult Children, Anne Hearon Rambo

The Future of Medical Family Therapy Training, Anne Hearon Rambo

The Development of Chabad Family Counseling Service, an Outreach Program for the Orthodox Jewish Population in South Miami, Anne Hearon Rambo and Debbie Hirschhorn

The Father of the Medusa: Vision and Abyss in Hoffmann's Tales, Marlisa Santos

Issues of Same-Sex Domestic Violence, Grace A. Telesco

Issues of Same-Sex Domestic Violence, Grace A. Telesco

Submissions from 1995

Analysis and Design of On-Farm Research-Extension, Elena P. Bastidas

Economic Analysis of Technology and Policy Changes in Small Farm Systems, Elena P. Bastidas

Gender Analysis - Analysis Tools, Activity Profiles, and Seasonal Calendars, Elena P. Bastidas

Training of Trainers in Gender Analysis, Elena P. Bastidas

Managing Conflict in Families: When Unresolved Anger Places a Child at Risk, Sharon Boesl and Christopher F. Burnett

Creating the Conceptual Framework for a New Hemispheric Order, Barbara Brodman

I and Eye: Building the Psychological Foundations for a New World Order, Barbara Brodman

Introductory Concepts in Natural Systems Thinking, Christopher F. Burnett

When the Divorce Isn't Final: Working Effectively with Post-Litigation Families, Christopher F. Burnett and Sharon Boesl

Introductory Workshop on Qualitative Research, Parts I & II, Christopher F. Burnett, Ronald Chenail, Douglas G. Flemons, Shelley K. Green, and B. Polkinghorn

Introductory Workshop on Qualitative Research, Parts I & II, Christopher F. Burnett, Ronald Chenail, Douglas G. Flemons, Shelley K. Green, and B. Polkinghorn

Introductory Workshop on Qualitative Research, Part Two, Christopher F. Burnett, Ronald J. Chenail, Douglas G. Flemons, Shelley K. Green, and B. Polkinghorn

Introductory Workshop on Qualitative Research, Christopher F. Burnett, Ronald J. Chenail, Douglas G. Flemons, Shelley K. Green, and Braian Polkinghorn

Introductory Workshop on Qualitative Research, Part One, Christopher F. Burnett, Ronald J. Chenail, Douglas G. Flemons, S. Green, and B. Polkinghorn

Strategies for Stuckness, Christopher F. Burnett and Anne Rambo

Medical Genograms, Christopher F. Burnett and Margo Weiss