CAHSS Faculty Presentations, Proceedings, Lectures, and Symposia

Event Name

Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference

Event Location

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina


Department of Writing and Communication

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Presentation Date


Date Range:

2019-02-21 to 2019-02-23


The presenters -- directors and a student-leader of two writing and communication centers -- will take the ongoing conversation of student engagement and writing centers in a new direction. Building on the conversation Kail, Gillespie, and Hughes initiated on assessing peer tutor alumni, presenters will examine how centers create the types of learning experiences that engage staff members within their centers, universities, and communities. Using student engagement research as a foundation, the two centers developed “engagement surveys” that measured how working in the writing center influenced their tutors’ experiences as students. Presenters analyze results and implications for the role writing centers should play in student engagement and how such can be assessed.
