
Artist Statement

As the creator of the poem "From Didactic to Healing Hands," I am delighted to share my perspective on the inspiration and intent behind this piece.

The poem serves as a heartfelt exploration of the evolution that occurs as we transition from the theoretical world of classrooms and lectures to the practical, human-centered realm of healthcare. It's a journey that demands not only the accumulation of knowledge but the nurturing of empathy, compassion, and the courage to step into the role of healing with confidence.

I wanted to convey the interconnectedness of science and the art of medicine, emphasizing that our actions carry the lessons we've learned and the stories we've absorbed.

The poem is a celebration of the metamorphosis that happens when students become healers, when knowledge finds its purpose in the betterment of lives.

About the Artist

Jashkumar Choudhari is a second-year medical student at KPCOM.

His driving force is to ensure that his future patients feel truly seen and heard, especially during their most vulnerable moments.

This guiding principle has compelled him to venture into the realm of artistic expression seizing the opportunity to convey his passions and gratitude to the educators who have shaped his path.
