"Artificial Reef Research in Broward County 1993-2000: A Summary Report" by Richard E. Spieler

Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Reports

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Broward County Department of Planning and Environmental Protection (DPEP) and Nova Southeastern University (NSU) have been collaborating on artificial reef research for the past seven years. This paper gives a brief overview of ten completed studies from 1993-2000. These studies entailed approximately 1000 hours of artificial reef construction, 2000 hours of SCUBA diving, 1300 hours of boat time and 1000 hours of data analysis. A detailed discussion of the results has been, or will be, published elsewhere (Gilliam et al., 1995; Sherman et al., 1999; Gilliam, 1999; Sherman, 2000; Sherman et al., in press a, b). In addition, detailed reports of the individual studies are available from DPEP (Spieler, 1995a,b; 1998a,b,c; 2000).

Report Number

Summary Report

Publication Title

Broward County Department of Planning and Environmental Protection


This research was funded mainly through grants from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (C-8300, OFMAS-004, OFMAS-050, OFMAS-065, OFMAS-091, OFMAS-132). Grants from The South Florida Fishing Classic Inc. and CSR Fish-condo Materials Inc., likewise, aided our research. Personnel from DEP, DPEP, and CSR Fish-condo Materials Inc. also provided technical expertise in varying aspects of the research. Students from the NSU Oceanographic Center volunteered essential assistance with reef construction and diving. Much of this report has been published verbatim in the proceedings of the 1999 Artificial Reef Summit (Spieler et al., 1999)