Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Guide, Guidebook, Manuals, Orientation Materials, Substitute Teachers, Special Education, Exceptional Student, Education, Exceptional Person, Exceptional Children, Individual Needs, All ESE Programs, Regular Class Placement, Mainstreamed, Least Restricted Environment, Resource Room Programs, Special Classes, Special Schools, Traditional Classroom, Class Organization, Classroom Environment, School Effectiveness, Classroom Techniques, Class Activities, Elementary, Secondary.


Through the data from surveys, interviews, research, discussions, with administrators at the district level in the schools, the author, with the help of task committee, develops an (ESE) Exceptional Student Education Substitute Teacher Handbook. The handbook includes the role and responsibility of ESE substitute teachers, ESE terminology, a brief overview of each exceptionality, class operation, behavioral management, first aid activities for short and long-term assignments, substitute teacher checklist, and forms and reports. The same professionals as listed above reviewed the handbook, were surveyed at the end of this project period, and gave a 100% census that the handbook would be a viable tool in the better preparation of our substitute teachers who work within ESE students. Appendices include pre and post survey questionnaires and comments by those participating in the project.

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