Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


The purpose of this study was to investigate the appropriateness of enrolling international ESL students in Programs for Higher Education in light of these suspected problem areas, but also in light of the opportunity apparently available for Nova to make unique educational contributions of global consequence. The study utilized data from published research, from interviews with higher education personnel who deal with international students, and from surveys and interviews reflecting the experience and views of graduate students and program personnel. Survey and interview data were collected and analyzed, after which the findings were translated into conclusions, which became the basis of a series of recommendations. It was concluded that (1) the field-based design of the program is no less appropriate for international ESL students than for others, in consideration of linguistic, cultural and distance-related issues; ( 2) recruitment and enrollment of this clientele is within the scope of Nova’s mission and Programs for Higher Education's goals and capabilities; and (3) English proficiency is widely perceived as the crucial determinant to the international student's success in this and other programs, whereas cultural differences seem not to be a serious deterrent to their success. Recommendations for implementation of the findings included: (1) further development of specific program goals to provide future guidance in this area of the program's operations; (2) continuance of enrolling international ESL students, but only through fulfillment of specific admission criteria including a suggested minimum TOEFL score, a personal interview, favorable evaluation of the student's professional portfolio, and direct access to telefax service; (3) provision by the university of those services which are necessary to maximize international students' likelihood of success; and (4) a commitment by Programs for Higher Education to actively seek ways of providing international emphases within seminars and within the general structure of the program.

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