Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Telecomputer Courses, Cable Television, Educational Television, Teleconference, Telecommunications, Telecourses, Educational Satellite, Interactive Satellite Instruction, Fiber Optics, Closed Circuit Television, Laser Electronics: Video-Audio, Persuasive Discourse Electronics, Interactive Video, Technology Communications, Microwave Electronics.


The target school area has experienced a steady decline in the number of schools actively involved in extracurricular competitive debate despite rapid growth in the number of schools in the district. Numerous problems exist. Liability and travel time are cited as critical reasons for school nonparticipation. Telepresentation Debating eliminates these problems. The feasibility of maintaining the integrity of the debate process was tested by simulating a televised debate among three separate schools in the target area called Telepresentation Debating. Selected teachers, Judges and students evaluated the success of the experiment, declaring telepresentation debating to be a viable solution to present problems. More schools indicated willingness to plan proactively to participate in telepresentation forensic events when technology costs are manageable.

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