Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


This major applied research project describes a plan and skills program that was designed to improve the percentage of students passing the math section of the Georgia Basic Skills Competency Test as first-time test takers in the tenth grade at Greene/Tallaferro Comprehensive High School in Greensboro, Georgia. The skills program consist of skill packets, each individually addressing the Georgia Basic Skills Objectives. Students come into the seventh grade deficient in specific math skills and continue to do poorly throughout high school. Solution strategies include: a) development of a skills instructional program to meet the basic skills objectives in the area of math. B) a change in lesson design forma to include manipulative for concept learning at the concrete level and C) implement a math utilization of Apple II computers for skill reinforcement. Fall 1990 test data received on the test of the Georgia Basic Skills Test showed that eighty-four percent of the first-time test takers have passed the math portion of the test. Eighty-seven percent of the students in the state passed the math section of the GBST. This was an increased of six percent since the school year 1989-1990.

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