Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Teacher Recruitment, Teacher Job Satisfaction, Teacher Education, Teacher Shortage, Teaching Models, Lesson Plans, Secondary School Methods, Audio, Visual Aids


The practicum addressed the need to diminish the critical teacher shortage that was facing the state of Florida. The author, the 1989 Florida Teacher of the Year and the Christa McAuliffe Ambassador for Education, developed an appropriate presentation strategy for motivating senior high school students, specifically members of the Florida Future Educators of America, to enter the teaching profession. The author produced a videotape that combined with a lecture and discussion formed a presentation that was offered at five senior high schools. The results of the postsurvey as compared to the presurvey indicated that the presentation was effective. Additionally, one program specialist from the Office of Teacher Recruitment and Retention of the Florida Department of Education, the statewide coordinator of the Florida Future Educators of America, and one sponsor of a local group of the Florida Future Educators of America considered the videotape to be ideally suited for teacher recruitment purposes. Because of the success of this practicum, the author recommended that the videotape produced for this practicum be used extensively within the state of Florida. This recommendation was accepted, and all future Christa McAuliffe Ambassadors for Education will have the opportunity to use the videotape as part of their presentation to Florida Future Educators of America groups. In addition, the videotape will be available on loan to the 250 sponsors of the secondary school chapters of Florida Future Educators of America. Appendices include the presurvey, postsurvey, evaluation forms, evaluator's comments, and presentation summary.

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