Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Algebra, Education Games, Equations, Graphs, Computer Managed Instruction.


The high percentage of high school Pre-Algebra students having difficulty learning the abstract concept of graphing ordered pairs on the Cartesian rectangular coordinate system was addressed by the creation and implementation of a computer-managed instruction program. Modules included a pretest, instruction, two practice sessions, and a posttest. To increase motivation and thereby enhance learning, the practice modules were designed in the form of a game. Students were exposed to the program on computers over a period of two weeks. The results indicated a greater increase in achievement for the target group than for four similar Pre-Algebra classes of this researcher. Students within the targeted group demonstrated a greater increase in attitudes toward plotting coordinates as well. It was concluded that the computer-managed instruction program designed by this researcher can be a valuable tool to facilitate and increase comprehension of plotting coordinates. Appendices include sample tests, student data, user and programming documentation, flowcharts, and the complete program listing.

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