Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Broadcast Journalism, attitudes, news, communication media, educational media: news media, news reporting, news writing, communication theory, language communication competence, verbal communication, public television, television teachers, speech communication, language fluency, television research, television viewing, language skills, listening comprehension, language attitudes, communication research.


The purpose of the Practicum herewith presented was to create a high school television production that would develop and improve the broadcast journalism student's critical thinking skills. The method proposed to accomplish the task set forth, was a five minute daily newscast written, produced and telecast by the broadcast journalism students. The focus of the newscast, broadcast over closed circuit cable TV to the school community, are the events, accomplishments, and activities of the high school population. The broadcast journalism students were responsible for gathering information, organizing the information into 30 second and 60 second reports, and presenting the information orally and visually on video tape. That daily reports included a montage of information based on school functions that appealed to the wide range of interests of the viewing audience. The results of two pre and post "Critical Thinking Skills Tests" and the practical application of producing a daily five minute newscast initiated the beginning of the students' produced television productions. The News Director and Director had the responsibility of selecting the most important taped stories appealing to the widest student interest and formatting them into a five minute production. All students participated in various production and/or talent roles, as well as acted as writers of news releases, publicity for special programs which expanded from the newscasts and acting as hosts for celebrities and guests from other classes. Students were assigned positions as studio crew and remote crews, serving to gather the facts and produce the facts into an interesting video presentation. The "Criteria for Creating a News Story" was used as a guide for reporters to establish a professional measure of quality in obtaining information for 30 or 60 second news item. A guideline of excellence, accuracy and interest was the main criteria for production and to enhance story content into visual expression. The critical thinking skills were expressed in the final visual product of the newscasts, timed, organized, edited and synchronized into a "one-take" performance to be aired. The five minute newscast expanded into a major newly created news conference format which brought other classes into the studio to hear and question guest speakers from the local state and national community (See Appendix D). The students learned not only how to produce, perform and telecast the news and news conferences, but to write news releases, handle guests, and organize a major event involving up to 150 people seated in the studio. All productions began precisely as scheduled and all news shows were telecast daily without interruption in the program schedule during the entire practicum study. The newscasts and news conferences will continue as well as the special sports, informational and entertainment programs that resulted from the students' proficiency and professionalism in television production.

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