Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Whole Language Approach, Curriculum Development, Elementary Education, Reading Instruction, Teacher Effectiveness, Reading Processes, Reading Research, Remedial Reading, High Risk Students, Grade 2, Young Children, Language Experience Approach, Self Esteem, Summer Programs.


Reading remediation needs of second graders were addressed through an intensive whole language approach with particular emphasis on self-awareness. Teacher recommendations and basal scores were used to identify seven at-risk second grade students. Students attended a class for an hour daily during which main idea, cause and effect, and drawing conclusions were the skills targeted. Over the ten week implementation period, students focused on themselves, peer relationships and various aspects of the school. The students' overall academic performances exceeded expectations. In the area of main idea, five of the seven students scored 80% and above. In cause and effect skills, all seven students scored above 75%. For drawing conclusions, seven out of seven students scored above 85% as reflected in the basal tests. Affective changes documented by the teacher included no discipline referrals for the students in this study after the second week of implementation. The results of this practicum provide significant information for adoption by individual classes and county level summer programs.

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