
Artist Statement

This paper is a meditation on a journey through the humanities and the pages of the works of the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, and the eventual conclusion to a pursuit of a medical career. It identifies that while not all paths to a similar endpoint are identical, but each has its own rich merits, twists, and turns.

About the Artist

I am Marianne Koleng, a first-year medical student at Nova Southeastern University - KPCOM.

My journey to becoming a physician has been at many times non-linear, but it is worth all the uncertainty and flux. I hope as a future physician I can help patients become comfortable in their own skin and be seen a human beings "All Entire" -to quote the French poet, Charles Baudelaire. I graduated from the University of Texas in Austin with majors in Economics, Government, Finance, and Philosophy and I am currently pursuing my concurrent M.S. in Nutrition at KPCOM. I am excited and honored to be able to intertwine my love (and background) in the humanities with medicine.
