
Artist Statement

In the journey of crafting this essay, I sought to explore the profound connection between bad health and poverty, recognizing how these two facets of human existence intricately interlace, influencing and shaping one another in ways both profound and far-reaching. The process of delving into this theme was like unraveling a multi-layered tapestry, each thread revealing a new perspective on the unbreakable bond that exists between these seemingly distinct aspects of life.

Through the creative process, I aimed to capture the emotional resonance of this theme, evoking a sense of empathy and understanding in the reader. The imagery of haunting refrains, cascading waterfalls of medical expenses, and the delicate balance between adversity and compassion was intended to paint a vivid picture of the intricate relationship between bad health and poverty. The metaphor of a symphony, with its complexities and harmonies, provided a way to conceptualize the interplay of these challenges while highlighting the potential for positive change through the conductor of empathy.

About the Artist

My name is Jashkumar Choudhari, and I am in second year of my medical journey at KPCOM. Reflecting upon my path to becoming a physician, I am struck by the profound challenges I've faced and the seemingly insurmountable obstacles I've overcome. Yet, standing here today, I am filled with a resolute determination to make a lasting impact on the lives of my future patients. My driving force is to ensure that they feel truly seen and heard, especially during their most vulnerable moments. It is this guiding principle that has compelled me to venture into the realm of artistic expression for the very first time, seizing the opportunity to convey my passion and gratitude to the educators who have profoundly shaped my path.
