
Submission Title


Artist Statement

Art is a very personal statement. When viewing art I look for pieces to which I can relate and enjoy, whether they are realistic or abstract. When I create a piece of art it is my personal observations, experiences and spiritual connection to the piece that helps me create it. After many years of working in charcoal, chalk pastels and acrylics, mostly creating art centered around the female form, I decided to try sculpting in clay. I found the experience to be really challenging, but enjoyable.

This piece is an attempt to bring many pieces of my life with my husband together in a single work of art. The serene face of the female like form seems to be reflecting on the items she holds which embody the desert of Arizona with its mountains and cactus tied to the sun and moon, which have been important in many places we have lived along with the water and boating. The form who sits in sand has almost snake like arms that hold the pieces of life together and, finally, on her back is the tattoo of a motorcycle. A vehicle that has been on this life journey from earliest days to the current time.