Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Articles

A Decade to Study Deep-Sea Life


Kerry L. Howell, Plymouth University - United Kingdom
Ana Hilario, University of Aveiro - Portugal
A. Louise Allcock, National University of Ireland Galway
David Bailey, University of Glasgow - United Kingdom
Maria Baker, University of Southampton Waterfront Campus - United Kingdom
Malcolm R. Clark, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research - New Zealand
Ana Colaco, Universidade dos Açores - Horta, Portgual
Jon Copley, University of Southampton Waterfront Campus - United Kingdom
Erik E. Cordes, Temple University
Roberto Danovaro, Polytechnic University of Marche - Ancona, Italy; Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn - Naples, Italy
Awantha Dissanayake, University of Gibraltar - United Kingdom
Elva Escobar, Nacional Autónoma de México
Patricia Esquete, University of Aveiro - Portugal
Austin J. Gallagher, Beneath the Waves
Andrew R. Gates, National Oceanography Centre - United Kingdom
Sylvie M. Gaudron, Université de Lille - France; Sorbonne Université - Paris, France
Christopher R. German, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Kristina M. Gjerde, IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme
Nicholas D. Higgs, Cape Eleuthera Institute - Bahamas
Nadine Le Bris, Sorbonne University - Paris, France
Lisa A. Levin, University of California - San Diego
Elisabetta Manea, ISMAR-CNR - Venice, Italy
Craig McClain, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Lenaick Menot, Ifremer - France
Nelia C. Mestre, Universidade do Algarve - Faro, Portugal
Anna Metaxas, Dalhousie University - Halifax, Canada
Rosanna Milligan, Nova Southeastern UniversityFollow
Agnes W. N. Muthumbi, University of Nairobi - Kenya
Bhavani E. Narayanaswamy, The Scottish Association for Marine Science - United Kingdom
Sofia P. Ramalho, University of Aveiro - Portugal
Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Norwegian Institute for Water Research; REV Ocean - Norway
Laura M. Robson, The Joint Nature Conservation Committee - United Kingdom
Alex D. Rogers, REV Ocean - Norway
Javier Sellanes, Universidad Católica del Norte - Coquimbo, Chile
Julia D. Sigwart, Senckenberg Research Institute - Frankfurt, Germany
Kerry Sink, South African National Biodiversity Institute
Paul V. R. Snelgrove, Memorial University of Newfoundland - St. John’s, Canada
Paris V. Stefanoudis, University of Oxford - United Kingdom; Nekton Foundation
Paulo Y. Sumida, Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil
Michelle L. Taylor, University of Essex - United Kingdom
Andrew R. Thurber, Oregon State University
Rui Vieira, Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science - United Kingdom
Hiromi K. Watanabe, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Lucy C. Woodall, University of Oxford - United Kingdom; Nekton Foundation
Joana R. Xavier, University of Bergen - Norway





Document Type


Publication Title

Nature Ecology & Evolution



Publication Date



Marine biology, Scientific community


The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development presents an exceptional opportunity to effect positive change in ocean use. We outline what is required of the deep-sea research community to achieve these ambitious objectives.




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