HCBE Faculty Articles

Implementing business ethics in large British organisations


Rusell Abratt0000-0002-5385-0936

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Publication Title

South African Journal of Business Management



Publication Date



Much attention has been paid to ethics in the realm of business where it is believed that a company should focus not only on the development of ethical business policies, but the implementation thereof as well. While ethical behaviour in business has been accepted, the implementation of ethical policies is proving to be difficult. In this article we firstly review the business ethics implementation literature with a particular focus on codes of conduct. We then present results from a study of British companies, commenting on methods of fostering ethical behaviour, the use of formal codes of ethics, management's involvement in implementation, and the effectiveness of codes of business practice. The results show that large British organisations are becoming more ethically aware, but still have some way to go in implementing ethical policies.

Etiek binne die sake-omgewing geniet baie aandag. Daar word van maatskappye verwag om nie slegs 'n etiese sakebeleid daar te stel nie, maar ook om dit ook te implementeer. Alhoewel die beginsel van etiese sakepraktyke algemeen aanvaar word, is die implementering van 'n etiese sakebeleid dikwels moeilik. Hierdie artikel bestaan eerstens uit 'n oorsig van die literatuur oor die implementering van sake-etiek, waarin riglyne vir optrede beklemtoon word. Tweedens word die resultate van 'n ondersoek onder Britse Maatskappye uiteengesit. Die bespreking omvat maniere waarop etiese gedrag aangemoedig kan word, die gebruik van formele etiese riglyne, die betrokkendheid van bestuur by implementering en die doeltreffendheid van riglyne vir sake-etiek. Uit die resultate blyk dit dat groot Britse ondememings toenemend bewus word van etiek maar dat die implementering van etiese sakebeleid steeds verbeter beboort te word.







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