Student Articles

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Learning takes place every day, which makes it one of the critical aspects of life. The achievements and things that people do in life is a product of the things they have learned throughout the life cycle. They are a collection of their experiences and the things they learn whether informally or otherwise. As such, it is critical to focus on the learning environment, the teaching models, and basically all elements involved in the learning process. Certainly, the process of learning influences the behavior, attitude, and perceptions of the learners. In this way, any attempts to raise individuals who depict a specific characteristic descend from the process by which they acquire the respective features. Results of effective learning are students who are responsible and diverse in their behavior. However, this is not achievable without the necessary strategies on the teaching process. On this note, effective learning is one that incorporates the facets of the learner, involves more than one party, and appreciates diversity among the learners.