

ESRP 9000 Professor

Gina L. Peyton, Ed.D.

ESRP 9001 Professor

Gina L. Peyton, Ed.D.

Executive Summary

This strategic research project was designed to provide insight into areas of impact on retention of international teachers. Retention at The Academy, in particular, was of interest as the rate of retention has continued to fluctuate over the last 8 years, with little data concerning the reasons why individuals have decided to leave their positions and what influenced that decision. Through an examination of existing literature, there was overwhelming evidence to support that leadership methods and actions weigh heavily on teachers’ decisions to continue with their contract or to sign a non-renewal. Leadership in a school is a major indicator of the programming, school culture and retention of staff. However, vision statement building, offering nontraditional hiring benefits and a diversification of staff in hiring practices were all considered as potential solutions to increasing retainment of teachers and building a community at the school. While each solution is of merit and should be explored when time and resources allow, the focus on leadership mentoring and training was the most imperative as the consequences of an under resourced and trained leadership team could be consequential to every aspect of the school, not just teacher retainment. In examining the current capabilities of the Academy it was apparent that they are not in a position to implement a pipeline training program for leaders and that external hiring would need to be explored. In implementing an action plan to address these problems of practice, the plan detailed the need for a comprehensive vision and mission statement to be written in which stakeholders were able to buy into, the construction of a hiring committee, continual improvement of hiring requirements and job descriptions and increased access to a diverse candidate pool. It is the recommendation of this study that the Academy construct very clear guidelines for hiring leadership staff in line with their mission and vision in order to proceed with building industry and institutional knowledge. At a future time, when external hires have fulfilled the knowledge gaps at the Academy, a pipeline program for future leaders can be explored with attention given to mentoring, networking and experiential learning opportunities.

Document Type

Strategic Research Project-NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


