Faculty Books and Book Chapters

Ecological Systems Approach in Sociology

Ecological Systems Approach in Sociology

Book Title

Essays in Developmental Psychology

Document Type


Publication Date



Randall Summers, Charles Golden, Lisa Lashley, & Erica Ailes


Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory, Charles Booth, government responsibility, socioeconomic status, sociology



Sociology as a philosophy is highly concerned with the collaboration of the environment and how the environment’s transactions with the individual affect one another. The Ecological Systems theory, as it is known today, speaks on the interaction between different sociological environments and how it affects the developing individual. Thanks to the work of Charles Booth and Seebohm Rowntree, in the United Kingdom, alongside Paul Kellogg in the United States, there is a better understanding about how an individual affects their environment and vice versa. Their work, specifically their research in assessing the needs of low socioeconomic status (SES) individuals in urban communities, led to the creation of the systems theory and its research.

Additional Information

This is one in a collection of essays as part of a project that began as an encyclopedia of developmental psychology coordinated by Dr. Randall Summers. However, for unforeseen reasons, the publisher was no longer in a position to publish the encyclopedia. This project was undertaken so that thousands of hours of work by psychologists would not go wasted. Enjoy these essays and feel free to cite them using the proper format.

Submit suggestions for corrections and topics to goldench@nova.edu.




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Ecological Systems Approach in Sociology
