Faculty Books and Book Chapters

Handbook of conceptualization and treatment of child and adolescent psychopathology
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The Handbook of Conceptualization and Treatment of Child Psychopathology examines and illustrates the integration of conceptualization and treatment of child and adolescent psychopathology. A number of conceptual models and intervention strategies are illustrated, and chapters cover most axis 1 disorders and several specific problem areas. The inspiration for this book arose largely from the teaching experiences of the editors, who found that while many students, as well as experienced clinicians, have knowledge in several theoretical domains and familiarity with a variety of interventions, significant numbers had difficulty linking the two.
Conceptualization, derived from a theoretical perspective, frames the clinicians understanding of the presenting problem. Theory defines psychopathology, establishes domains appropriate for treatment, and determines the nature of psychotherapy, thereby providing the underlying foundation that informs clinical practice. The conceptual model does not have to be the same for all disorders or for different individuals with the same disorder. A model that is effective with one patient may be ineffective for another, and absolute claims about a treatment approach and the model from which it is derived are rare. Indeed, different models may be equally effective for the same problem.
The Handbook of Conceptualization and Treatment of Child Psychopathology is organized into seven sections. The first discusses issues of conceptualization and developmental considerations in treatment, laying a foundation for the reader on the central thesis of integrating case conceptualization with treatment, as well as establishing the importance of development in the treatment of psychopathology in youth. The ensuing sections delineate treatment models and specific interventions for disruptive behavior disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, substance use disorders, and a special topics section covers firesetting, trichotillomania, elimination disorders, schizophrenia, sleep problems, and dissociative disorders. Authors were asked to begin their contributions with a description of the clinical syndrome, followed by a conceptual framework for the pathology and a detailed treatment strategy related to the conceptual model. An alternative conceptual model is also offered, with a somewhat less detailed intervention that follows from the second model.
Handbook of Conceptualization and Treatment of Child Psychopathology provides detailed, state of the art intervention strategies for specific child and adolescent disorders; ties treatment to conceptual models; offers alternative models for subsequent treatment approaches; covers a broad range of disorders and problems, most prevalent among referred youth; includes diverse conceptualizations, rather than one or two paradigms, so that the reader can view treatment from numerous (cognitive, behavioral, family, interpersonal, psychodynamic) perspectives; features contributions from outstanding scholars who are active in both the science and practice of child and adolescent treatment.
Elsevier Science
NSUWorks Citation
Orvaschel, H.,
Faust, J.,
Hersen, M.
(2001). Handbook of conceptualization and treatment of child and adolescent psychopathology. .
Available at: https://nsuworks.nova.edu/cps_facbooks/32