Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Articles
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Journal of Physical Oceanography
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High-resolution measurements of temperature and salinity were made in the near-surface layer of the ocean during the Tropical Oceans-Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment, using probes mounted on the bow of the R/V Moana Wave. Because of surface waves and pitching of the vessel, the bow probes profiled the near-surface layer of the ocean within depths of 0–4.0 m. In the near-surface layer of the ocean in the western Pacific warm pool, strong variability of temperature and salinity produced by diurnal heating and/or rain was often observed. The contoured density field revealed cases of pronounced spatial variability. The shallow diurnal thermocline and rain-formed halocline are subject to perturbations that sometimes look like large amplitude internal waves. Possible sources of the internal waves in the near-surface layer of the ocean are discussed.
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NSF grant #s: OCE-9216891, OCE-9113948
NSUWorks Citation
Alexander Soloviev and Roger Lukas. 1996. Observation of Spatial Variability of Diurnal Thermocline and Rain-Formed Halocline in the Western Pacific Warm Pool .Journal of Physical Oceanography , (11) : 2529 -2538. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/occ_facarticles/629.

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