NSUWorks - Mathematics Colloquium Series: Minimum Number of Distinct Eigenvalues of Graphs


For a simple graph G on n vertices, a real symmetric nxn matrix A is said to be compatible with G, if for different i and j, the (i; j) entry of A is nonzero whenever there is an edge between the vertices i and j, it is zero otherwise. The minimum number of distinct eigenvalues, when minimum is taken over all compatible matrices with G, is denoted by q(G). In this talk, a survey of some known and new results about q(G) is presented.

Presenter Bio

Dr. Nasserasr has a Master's degree from the University of Victoria, BC, Canada, and a Ph.D. from the College of William and Mary, VA, USA. She is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Nova Southeastern University. Her current research interests include algebraic graph theory and combinatorial matrix theory.

Presenter Profile Page(s)


Date of Event

November 15, 2016 from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Mailman-Hollywood Auditorium 2nd Floor

NSU News Release Link


Included in

Mathematics Commons


Nov 15th, 12:00 PM Nov 15th, 1:00 PM

Minimum Number of Distinct Eigenvalues of Graphs

Mailman-Hollywood Auditorium 2nd Floor

For a simple graph G on n vertices, a real symmetric nxn matrix A is said to be compatible with G, if for different i and j, the (i; j) entry of A is nonzero whenever there is an edge between the vertices i and j, it is zero otherwise. The minimum number of distinct eigenvalues, when minimum is taken over all compatible matrices with G, is denoted by q(G). In this talk, a survey of some known and new results about q(G) is presented.
