Faculty Scholarship

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“I feel paranoid all the time.”1 That is how a seventeen-year old black varsity high school basketball player from Lauderhill, Florida expressed his emotions after a Lauderhill police officer ordered him and his friends to the ground for no apparent reason.2 Imagine living life in one of the most developed, wealthiest nations in the world with such fear. As a minority law professor, I share the same feelings, and often wonder whether I am next. However, that would be too egocentric. What of those who have suffered or lost lives; those who must face paranoia as an ill-fated daily reality rather than just an emotion? This Article illustrates how Stand Your Ground laws in the United States (U.S.) are a significant cause to this reality.

Publication Title

Intercultural Human Rights Law Review

Publication Title (Abbreviation)

Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev.

First Page


Included in

Law Commons
