Faculty Scholarship

Assessing National Environmental Enforcement: Some Lessons from the United States' Experience


Joel A. Mintz

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Joel Mintz, Assessing National Environmental Enforcement: Some Lessons from the United States' Experience, 21 Georgia International Environmental Law Review 1 (2013). Environmental enforcement is widely seen as a vital component of the protection of public health and the natural environment. Many nations around the globe have created programs incorporating some version of environmental enforcement, although the structures, methods, and levels of success of these programs vary considerably. Despite this, few observers have attempted to identify the factors whose presence is helpful for the success of national governmental environmental enforcement programs. This essay is intended to fill that gap. In Part I, I will suggest those factors, or conditions, that generally contribute to the vitality and success of national environmental law enforcement. In Part II, I will apply that analytical framework to the experience of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in enforcing this nation’s pollution control requirements.

Publication Title

Georgia International Law Review

Publication Title (Abbreviation)


First Page


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