"Internal Brand Training in the Learning Industry" by Audrey Ellison

HCBE Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship


Russell Abratt

Committee Member

Michael Bendixen

Committee Member

Bahaudin Mujtaba


Companies in the learning industry are in the business-to-business marketplace and the companies focus on providing services to their customers. In service businesses delivering on the brand promise is aligned with the services employees deliver to customers. The learning industry was used to research whether a commitment to internal brand training impacts business performance. Two of the initial hypotheses were supported; a learning orientation increases commitment to internal brand training and internal brand training increases employee commitment to the brand. The third hypothesis, employee brand commitment improves business performance, was not supported. A re-specified model found.

* Learning orientation directly affects Brand Training and Employee Brand Commitment

* Brand Training directly affects Employee Brand Commitment and Business Performance

* Employee Brand Commitment directly affects Business Performance

The largest direct effect on improved business performance is employee brand training, yet it is the area with the least number of hours of training in the organizations, which provides an opportunity for practitioners.

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