"Corporate Diversification and CEO Turnover Among Financially Distresse" by Jana Lynn Cook

HCBE Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship


H. Young Baek

Committee Member

Ramdas Chandra

Committee Member

Darshana Palkar


A comprehensive examination of the differences in compensation and turnover between domestic and multinational firms in distress from 2003 - 2008 was completed. An examination of three major theories of turnover is examined within the boundaries of distressed firms and support is found for the Scapegoat Theory as proposed by Huson in 2004. The results found no significant differences between total compensation levels between domestic and international firms. And with turnover rates of 26 percent and 51 percent, these groups have only board size as a significant impacting variable.

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