Proceedings, Presentations, Posters, Speeches, Lectures, etc.


“Nursing Students’ Perception of the Simulation Experience”


Network (HSPN) Now-CAE Healthcare


Tampa, Florida.

Publication Date / Copyright Date



At the beginning of the simulation period in the summer semester students verbalized dissatisfaction and intimidation that they experienced during previous simulation activities. Faculty decided to explore students' perception of an effective learning simulation (SIM) experience. Students were given a simulation experience, and on completion, they were asked to complete an evaluation of the SIM experience. Based on the students' responses changes were made. All full time faculties were assigned to participate in the simulation process. Both students and observing faculty were asked to complete an evaluation form. One form was a student evaluation of the faculty running the simulation. The observing faculty completed a simulation data tracking tool identifying six specific areas regarding students' performance. The overriding focus pertained to professionalism and safety. This poster presentation gave an overview of the history of simulation in our program. It provided an analysis of students' input to improve SIM experience, application of faculty observation of students' behaviors, and implementation of changes in simulation to improve nursing practice.



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