Proceedings, Presentations, Posters, Speeches, Lectures, etc.
The Influence of Peer Mentoring on Anxiety, Self-Confidence and Priority Setting of Baccalaureate Student Nurses in the Simulation Lab Setting
Nova Southeastern University
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Publication Date / Copyright Date
Objective. This collaborative study between Nova Southeastern University and shared Baptist Health South Florida faculty was conducted to investigate the influence of peer mentoring on the reduction of anxiety, and the increase in self confidence and organizational skills in the simulation lab setting. Background. Mentorship and specifically the value attributed to nurse mentors are well documented. Earlier research supports the nurse mentor as integral in the preparation of novices as they develop competent practice behaviors. Methods. This was a two group (mentored and non-mentored), pre-test, post-test true experimental design with a control group study. A convenience sample of 36 3rd semester baccalaureate nursing students (novices) participated in a total of 2 simulations separated by several weeks within one 16 week semester. For the second simulation half of the participants were randomly assigned to peer mentors (senior nursing students). Data collected from both groups (with and without mentors) was evaluated to further the understanding of how peer mentoring influences the stressors of novice nurses. Results. A between factors repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the effect of mentoring on 5 measures of anxiety, self-confidence and prioritization. There were statistically significant gains on item scores from pre to post test on 4 of the 5 items. Additionally, mentors showed greater gains on 4 of the 5 items. The items measuring anxiety showed significant decreases with the mentor group (F=3.22, p=.041 and η = .087). Conclusion. Study suggests mentoring positively influences the reduction of anxiety. Grants. No grant funding obtained.
NSUWorks Citation
Whigham, Marlene, "The Influence of Peer Mentoring on Anxiety, Self-Confidence and Priority Setting of Baccalaureate Student Nurses in the Simulation Lab Setting" (2014). Proceedings, Presentations, Posters, Speeches, Lectures, etc.. 122.