"Examining the Impact of Collaboration Technology Training Support on V" by Sharon L. Wright

CCE Theses and Dissertations

Campus Access Only

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Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Computing Technology in Education (DCTE)


Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences


Timothy J Ellis

Committee Member

Steven Terrell

Committee Member

Marcie Zaharee


collaboration, collaborative technology, knowledge sharing, team effectiveness, trust, virtual teams


Businesses and governmental agencies are increasingly reliant on virtual teams composed of team members in different location. However, such virtual teams face all the interpersonal challenges inherent in working in a group, plus additional challenges that are a consequence from communicating through electronic methods. Numerous technological tools are available to facilitate electronic communication, and some organizations provide Collaborative Technology Skills Training (CTST) to virtual team members to help them select and use these tools.

In this study, the researcher investigated whether CTST improves virtual team effectiveness by quantifying relationships between CTST and five components of team effectiveness: knowledge sharing, trust, cohesion, performance, and satisfaction. The researcher designed a survey based on an extensive literature review to allow respondents to quantify and describe their virtual team experiences, including information on any CTST they received and their perceptions of the five components of team effectiveness. Prior to the main research study, a panel of experts used the Delphi method to evaluate the survey, commenting on structure, content, and applicability to the research questions. The researcher then evaluated the temporal reliability and internal reliability of the survey. For the research study, the researcher invited over 1000 members of virtual teams to complete the online, self-report survey. Data were analyzed using MANOVA to investigate and confirm that CTST significantly affected components of team effectiveness. Results of this study can be used to improve CTST, thereby increasing the effectiveness of virtual teams.

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